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Hi, my name is Pratul Amineni. I'm a Sophomore at Guilderland High School. This year I am participating in an individual research course known as Exploring with Mindful Creativity and Curiosity (EMC^2). My interests are in neuroscience, cognitive science and Artificial Intelligence. During my EMC journey this year, I plan to explore the field of AI and hopefully demystify the topic. Aside from studies, I am very involved in sports. I run cross country, swim, and play tennis for the school teams and enjoy skiing. I love to volunteer at multiple organizations like Camp Invention, Butterfly Station, Library, Children's Center etc. in my free time. I also help out teaching kids how to swim and I lifeguard at my school pool.


I like the EMC program because I am in-charge of my own learning. I design and research on what I am interested in. I particularly love the fact that the possibilities are endless. I am looking forward to exploring my topic and helping other EMCers with their projects. 

© AI by Pratul Amineni. 

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