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AI and Aliens

Over the course of human existence we have always asked if our planet is the only one with life. We have spent so much money to continue space exploration for the 'so called' extraterrestrial life that we do not know exists yet. This brings me to Fermi’s Paradox which was created by Physicist Enrico Fermi that helps the world understand the possibility of Alien existence. It takes facts that we already know to be true and applies that to a real world scenario to try and calculate the probability of there being Aliens. Only issue is that there is a contradiction between the lack of evidence and high probability estimates. In Fermi’s mind he thought of it like this: there are so many stars in the galaxy that are like our Sun but older and therefore older Solar Systems. This meant that there would be an increase in the probability of these stars having Earth-like planets. Thus more life. To add to this, since these civilizations are a lot older than our own they should be able to accomplish greater heights of technology such as interstellar travel which we plan to crack next. With this new knowledge, researchers believe that the Aliens we are looking for might not be big green monsters that we envisioned but instead beings that use technology to communicate. The idea of the first intelligence that we meet being an AI is becoming more and more probable.

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