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AI in the Workforce

One of the many fears of a majority of people in the workforce today is that their jobs will be taken away by the AI. What most people don’t realize is that AI is helping us move forward more than it is hurting us. In an article that I recently read titled “AI could be the tool that saves your career”, an accountant explained how he started to do his taxes on an AI platform. The author asked him if he was worried that his job would be taken away and replaced with an AI platform. The accountant smartly replied that AI can’t do everything. It has its limitations and it can’t replace what humans do, it is just there to make life easier just like any other innovation out there today. Now this fact is true, but AI can replace some jobs that we might have today like the people working at McDonald’s or people who work in construction, however a majority of today's jobs will stay intact. AI is working to make our lives easier as it is right now while I’m typing, helping to autocorrect any mistakes I make, this is a small scale example, but it can be applied to much larger fields such as helping to organize inventory in a warehouse, to advertise certain products to certain customers based on what their interests are, etc. AI is here to stay and here to help. With AI the possibilities are virtually endless.

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