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Busy Beginning of the Year

Updated: Feb 19, 2019

Today we had an early dismissal due to snow. I thought I would drop few journals. January has been a busy month for me. The new year began with a doctor’s office visit for me followed by a 10 day antibiotics course. I was sick for the first 2 weeks of the new year, but that doesn’t make a good excuse for not writing journals. I have been working on my project though. I was reading the book ‘How to create a mind’ by Ray Kurzweil. I am almost done with it. I will write on it in the next journal. Reading the book also helped me prepare for the midterm presentation at the Guilderland library on the January Day. More on it in next Journals. I also conducted interview with a GE AI expert on January 16th which served as a valuable source for the project. See the write up on it in the SDA section.

This month my job as a ski instructor at the Jiminy peak also got busy with the season in the peak. It was satisfying to teach kids how to ski and give them the gift of a sport that they can enjoy for life. The best part is to hit the slopes with my friends after we clock out. I also had science Olympiad regionals on Feb 1st so we were preparing for it. Our school team came 10th overall. We have a lot of work to do as a team. If we want to improve our chance next year we need to start recruiting the science talent from all grades. I however got a medal in one of my three events. Placed close to medal position in one more event but wish I had done better. Anyway, not too bad for my first year on the Scioly team.

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