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Is AI the Key to Reforming America's Schools?

With the capabilities of AI on the rise many parents and teachers are wondering whether to integrate it into school systems across America. Even though it would not be able to replace the human educators that we have today it could offer assistance in the classroom at a lower cost than today and may even produce better results. These are a few reasons why the article suggests that AI should be in the classroom.

AI is a less expensive tutoring method. These days teachers have to sacrifice planning periods and lunch breaks to try and help students struggling with a topic learn it better. This tends to drain their time both in school an out of school which just isn't fair. However, with the assistance of AI the teacher could rely on the AI as a tutor and this in turn saves time for the teacher to get things he/she has to do.

Another reason why AI would be great for schools is that personalized education would be able to better fit certain students. Across the country classroom sizes are increasing and the number of teachers is not and this means that it is next to impossible for an educator to write a lesson plan that would be able to engage all each and every student. AI can solve this by creating personalized plans for each student so that learning becomes more engaging, challenging, and rewarding compared to traditional methods.

Finally, testing can be better suited for each student. As we all know not everybody is a very good test-taker, despite the teachers best accommodation some students still perform poorly. Adaptive testing with AI would be able to create tests based on the students abilities. This makes it more rewarding and less frustrating experience for students overall. The computer could even grade the tests.

Overall, these reasons are very good but I disagree with some of these reasons, specifically the last reason. If students get designed tests then there will be no bar to measure students up against. We will not be able to judge who is a better candidate for a job and who is worse. Also another issue with AI in the classroom is that AI doesn't provide emotional support like teachers do. Even though they will be able to create very good programs they would never be able to replace the emotional part of what a teacher is supposed to do.

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