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January Day

Updated: Feb 24, 2019

It was a big day for the project. It was considered as a mid term evaluation. The event was on January 26th from 4-6pm at the Guilderland library. All emcers are required to make a trifold and a creative way to present our project so far. There are two groups of judges scoring your performance. The idea is to present your project in  a simple way to the common public. I was pleasantly surprised that many people were interested in learning more about AI. I thought people would not be interested in my tech project compared to the oscars, love, and music projects that my peers are working. I guess my trifold, with simple catchy and colorful pictures and my lego demo display to explain the concept, were the draw for many to learn more about my project. I was debating between pictures and legos for the demo. I am glad I chose legos. People understood easily with the lego demo and had fun.

I broke my presentation into 3 parts. 1. what is AI explaining with demo, 2. My research results from articles, videos, books and Interview, 3. Ethics along myths and realities. I referenced the famous tech leaders such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Kai-Fu Lee etc which made the audience relate to the topic better. One criticism I have for myself is that I was referencing my notes while speaking. I should have memorized my presentation. My original script was too long and I made many changes to condense, but didn’t finish until the day, so I ran out of time to memorize well. Next time start earlier. Here is link to my presentation script. I want to thank my advisors Mr. Bott and Mrs. Gergen, without their guidance it would not have been possible to pull this off successfully. I also want to thank my mom and dad for always encouraging me to believe in myself. Special thanks to my mom for the brownies for the event. They were great!!

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