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October SDA Analysis

I am writing this Journal for two reasons. One to analyse the SDA and find out what grade I should receive for my work. Second, and most importantly, I want to learn from what I created. So let's jump in!!

For my first Self-Designed Assignment (SDA) I decided to start out by just introducing and educating my peers on what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is. The first panel really introduces what the basics of AI in a very simple way. Due to a lack of space I was unable to expand on the bullets that I provided. That is the reason why I was unable expand on the second bullet that Mrs. Gergen was asking me to expand on. The second section of the Infographic was mainly used to showcase the applications of AI and what it is currently being used, what it will be used for in the coming years, and what it will be used for in the future. I called it "Brain Shell" because it is shaped like a brain and was basically in nutshell form. I plan on adding a link to the picture because as of now the picture appears to be blurry and tough to read. In order to incorporated some logos into my presentation I added a graph of the primary reasons businesses currently use AI in the third section of the graphic. Finally I decided to add challenges that AI faces in an attempt to showcase the fact that AI is not perfect and that there is room for improvement. As a whole I thought the infographic was very informative and gave good short bursts of information.

However, there were still some things that I needed to work on. A few being the blurriness of the "Brain Shell", and not expanding on the intro bullets. I know that the sources are hard to see but I have already fixed that issue by creating a bibliography page on this website. Overall, I would give this SDA a 19/20 due to the fact that I was unable to expand on the bullets.

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