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The Ethics Behind AI

It is true that AI can help the human race move forward in so many different ways, however it is not perfect. There are still multiple ethical issues that are present about AI. First off jobs - many people are worried about their jobs being taken away by AI. This regards to primarily physical work dominated industries such as construction, trucking, etc. If we take a look into the truck industry, we come to understand that those jobs will be taken away if self-driving trucks promised by Tesla’s Elon Musk become readily available in the coming years. What will the truckers do after that? Continuing on this note, we have to ask ourselves the question: Where will the money made by AI go? How will we split up the money evenly that way inequality isn’t caused? With humans out of the workforce, the few individuals at the top of an AI driven company will make all the money leading to an even wider wealth gap than that is already present.

On another note AI can affect our behavior and our actions, as modeled by an AI bot named Eugene Goostman who passed the Turing Challenge for the first time in 2015. The Turing Challenge tests a bots ability to act like a human and Goostman was able to fool about half of the raters into thinking that he was a human. This shows that bots have almost an unlimited amount of resources to use when it comes to building relationships with humans. They are already using this to trigger our reward systems in our brains through clickbait headlines and video games, however if this was used in the wrong ways, it could prove to be a cause of disruptive behavior.

Another point of interest to bring up about AI is the fact that they are created by us, humans. They can often have flaws or mistakes which lead to faults in certain systems. Not only this but they can have bias towards or against certain things based on the creators input. We even fear one day when AI may rule the world as pictured in the 1984 film “The Terminator”. But AI can’t adapt to all situations yet and there will be some situations where it will not be able to complete the task it was specifically designed to do. The artificial intelligence world still has a lot of ethical questions to ask itself before it will be able to tackle the problems of tomorrow, today.

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