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What is Artificial Intelligence?

In this day and age many people still don’t exactly know what AI (Artificial Intelligence) is and that lack of knowledge often leads to many misconceptions. AI is the advancement of computer systems to perform tasks usually limited to humans. In translation: some things that could have been done by humans can now be done by computers. Essentially AI helps create an easier environment for humans to live in. Some say that AI really doesn’t exist because we have not yet created a computer or form that is fully aware of itself. However, the late John McCarthy who coined the term Artificial Intelligence claimed that pattern recognition was in fact a branch of AI when it was actually machine learning.
But AI and Machine learning aren’t the same thing. In fact machine learning is the advance in machines that use large sets of data to create patterns. AI is a sentient being that is self aware and can create its own patterns by thinking on it's own. This leads me to another delusion that AI is futuristic and scary. It is futuristic and can be scary if used in the wrong hands. If applied correctly, AI actually helps us humans lead a better life in many situations, from saving money to guiding us when we use GPS. I do not mean to say that AI is perfect because there is plenty room for bias based on the perceptions, but it definitely has its perks. It is also gaining a lot of praise from the head of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, as well as Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai. All in all, AI is helping to improve businesses on the rise. According to Spiceworks, 30% of businesses are predicted to incorporate AI before 2019. Google, IBM, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple are all among companies looking to take advantage of AI in their business. Who knows maybe, one day you will be using AI in your own company.
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